Hosting is also known as Web hosting. It is the business of housing, serving, and maintaining files for one or more Web sites. A fast connection to the Internet is more important than the computer space provided for Web site files. Typically, an individual business hosting its site would require a parallel connection, which would be costly. Using a hosting service lets many companies share the cost of a fast Internet connection for serving files.
Several Internet access providers, such as America Online, offer subscribers free space for a small Website hosted by one of their computers. Geocities is a Web site that offers registered visitors similar free space for a Web site. While these services are free, they are also fundamental.
Virtual hosting is a term used by many hosting companies. Virtual hosting is often used to indicate that the services are transparent. Each Web site will have its domain name and a set of e-mail addresses. Virtual hosting and hosting are often used interchangeably. Hosting companies may allow you to have your virtual server. This means that you can control a server exclusively for your site.
Dedicated hosting refers to providing a dedicated server for your site's traffic. Only hectic sites need dedicated hosting. Many companies buy servers and put them on sites that offer fast Internet access. This is known as colocation.
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